What is Communion about?
Communion, or The Lord's Supper, is a recurring reminder of a believer's identity, belonging, and purpose together with the family of God. We remember all that Jesus has done and what He continues to do for us. At Temple we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. All believers who have have accepted Jesus as their Lord are welcome to participate.

The bread (or cracker) represents Jesus’ body, which was broken for us on the cross.
The juice represents Jesus’ blood that cleanses us from sin.
These elements remind us of our salvation and life transformation in Christ. They also bring us together as the family of God. Just as we celebrate that Christ is our risen Saviour and Lord, we are reminded to share God’s grace and forgiveness with the rest of the world.
"Do this in remembrance of me."
also Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25